reCall? Support

reCall? is designed as a simple reminder function that will easily allow users to store items for quick recall. Large font, intuitive layout and straightforward functionality support easy to use objectives. Free form text input supports wide ranging application.

When the app is invoked the landing screen appears.

The landing screen appears when the app is opened.

The List function allows the user to review all reCall elements. If the list is short this capability should provide all that is needed to view items. Colors are used to distinguished elements of an item and (if required) will be helpful if the list is searched.

List screen of items a user wants to recall.

The List screen is where a user can delete items that are no longer needed by sweeping left and using the delete button. The < Back button returns the user to the landing screen.

Deleting an item on the List screen.

The Add button on the landing screen allows the user to place additional items on the reCall? list.

The Add screen is used to input new items.

The + ADD button will add the item to the list and clear the input parameter fields. A confirmation that the item has been successfully added pops up and the user is asked to dismiss the pop-up and is returned to the landing page. The added item should now appear on the list.

Once added the Added! confirmation appears and the parameter fields are cleared. On touching the dismiss button the user is returned to the landing page.

The Search function was intended for use when the item list got long. It allows the user to select items in any (or all) of the three fields and create a list of desired items. Designating a search parameter is accomplished by scrolling in each of the boxes until the desired parameter appears. A * in a box indicates all parameters of that color are matched. If more than one box has a parameter other than *, all selected parameters must be matched for the item to appear on the list.

In this example the “Phone” descriptor has been chosen in the second parameter for search. All items where the second parameter is “Phone” will be shown on the list when the search button is pushed. Note the search parameter string “* Phone *” appears above the Search button.

Upon execution of the search, all items watching the search criteria are returned on a new screen. Sweeping down clears the screen away, enabling another search if required. The Clear button returns all search parameters to “*”. (Note: A search with all search parameters set to “*” will return the entire list.)

The search function results in a list of items meeting the criteria set on the search screen.

In summary, reCall? was designed to be a simple, flexible, usable aid for remembering appointments, facts and other elements of every day life.

It is not recommended personnel information that should be kept secure instored in this tool; tools provide more secure means to store this information.